With the goal to engage future, next-generation scientists in the gene therapy area, our GENE4US (Gene Engineering Engagement for Underrepresented Students) Initiative aims to provide summer research opportunities for undergraduate students in the underrepresented groups in STEM. In this 12-week long program, we are aiming to help the students develop a short-term project related to gene delivery, gene editing and CRISPR technologies. Through different designed activities, we are hoping to help the students gain skillsets from lab techniques, presentation to scientific writing. The students selected to our GENE4US program will be provided with stipend to support their summer housing and other possible expenses.


If you are interested to join this program, please send your CV and brief introduction (up to 1 page) about yourself, career goal and “why me.” Please send these two documents to our lab’s email contact (nsgen.buffalo at by March 1st. Selected students will be notified before May 1st.

We appreciate the kind support from SUNY and UB Pharmaceutical Sciences for our GENE4US Initiative.

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